Affiliated Sites

This page provides information about related projects and websites that are currently known to this system. These are a small fraction of the thousands of websites and dozens of projects and providers which make up the fediverse.
Project akkoma
Version 3.13.2-0-g050bc74
Project akkoma
Version 3.13.2
Project akkoma
Version 3.10.4-1-gebfb617b
Project akkoma
Version 3.10.4
Project akkoma
Version 3.11.0
Access type free
Project akkoma
Version 3.11.0-0-ga03f3a9
Project akkoma
Version 3.11.0-0-ga03f3a9
Access type free
Project akkoma
Version 3.11.0
Access type free
Project akkoma
Version 3.11.0-0-ga03f3a9
Access type free
Project akkoma
Version 3.10.3
Project akkoma
Version 3.10.3-197-g98f0820c-develop
Project akkoma
Version 3.10.2-158-g59af68c6-develop
Project akkoma
Version 3.9.3-152-g31d7cc9a-develop
Project akkoma
Version 3.5.0-122-g153539a2-develop
Project akkoma
Version 3.5.0-74-g5d4c291d-develop
Access type free
Project akkoma
Version 3.5.0-46-gdcac8adb-develop
Access type free